Thursday, April 18, 2013


If you scroll down you will see that Earlier on I made an Article about how according to the Bible Satan is the Best of Those who Deceives,Lies,Tricks,Perverts,Distorts,Misleads and uses Crafty methods to accomplish his Goals. I also Contrasted this teaching with The Koran and  showed you guys that according to the Koran the best of those who Deceives is actually NOT Satan but Allah HIMSELF.

In this Blog Post I will Discuss how according to the Bible Yahweh is the Best of those who speaks the Truth and how he CANNOT LIE it is impossible for him to Lie because he is The GOD of TRUTH and NOT lies.

Let us Begin:

Here Are the Verses: 

Numbers 23:19: “God is not a man, that He should LIE, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

So in this Passage it clear that unlike God Humans Lie and God cannot Lie because he's not like Humans themselves, who can Lie and Deceive like (Paul and Saami) for example.

Another Verse 

1 Samuel 15:29 

He who is the Glory of Israel DOES NOT LIE or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind."

So once again God unlike humans speaks the Truth and cannot Lie,Mislead,Pervert,Trick and use Deception to accomplish his goals but always speaks the Truth.

Psalms 92:15 
proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is NO WICKEDNESS IN HIM."

So according to this Passage there's no WICKEDNESS in God because he is a Holy God and a God of Truth, or in other words because there's no Wickedness in YHWH then he therefore cannot Lie and Deceive.

Titus 1:2 In the HOPE of eternal life, which God, who DOES NOT LIE, promised before the beginning of time,

So here unlike Abu Bakr who Feared the HOPE of Eternal Life From Allah because of Allah's Deception and Schemes, The God of the Bible gives us Hope and promises of Eternal Life and cannot Lie because he is a God of Perfection and purity. 

Hebrew 6:8 
God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, we who have fled to take hold of the HOPE set before us may be greatly encouraged.

So in this Passage IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE because it's part of his Holy Nature. And also we have Hope and can be Greatly Encouraged because of the God that we Serve (compare this to Abu Bakr who didn't have Hope but was weeping and frightened from the Deception Allah)

Such BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!

James 1:17-18
17 Every GOOD and PERFECT gift is FROM ABOVE, coming down FROM THE FATHER of the HEAVENLY LIGHTS, who DOES NOT CHANGE like SHIFTING SHADOWS. 18 He chose to give us birth through the WORD OF TRUTH, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created.

So in this Passage everything GOOD comes from God alone, it's because of God that we Christians Speak the Truth and not Lies. And it's because of God's Truth we Christians will handle specifically the Muslim Scriptures Accurately and not Pervert or Distort there Meanings because that would dishonor God and his Character.

So is it Surprising that because The Bible condemns Lying,Trickery,Distortions,Misleading,Perverting,Scheming,Deception and Craftiness that Christians when they engage in Dialogue with Muslims about their texts or the Muslims texts that they try their absolute Best to accurately handle the Muslims Sources.


Because the Bible makes it Clear Lying is an Abomination to God and Because of the Character of God that we Serve our Fruits will produce Truthful,Honest,Integrity,Factual,Pure, Discussion and Dialogues. While on the Contrary Muslims Worship Allah who is an All Powerful Deceiver and allows them to Lie,Trick,Scheme,Distort,Pervert and Deceive People Even when it comes to their own Sources,then it should not surprise us that   you will see Fruits of Deception,Distortions, Perversions,Scheming and Craftiness which is the very Definition of a False Religion.

Note: Muslim's Please Help Me out here, How can you say that Islam is the Truth when you use Methods contrary to TRUTH to prove your Religion is the "Truth" can you please follow with me on this.

If Islam is really the Truth then why do you use Tricks,Deception,Lies,Distortions,Perversions, Craftiness and Schemes to supposedly Prove it's the Truth.

You can't Mix Truth with Lies and Deception because they completely Contradict one another, they are incompatible and can't be Mixed together they are opposites.

I think It's Quite Obvious because Muslim's Don't have the Truth but a Lie from the realms of HELL and that's why they will Not hesitate to use Deception even tho they claim Islam is Supposedly the Truth.

Such Spiritual Blindness.

So In conclusion The God of The Bible is the Best of those who speaks the Truth,Honesty,Certainty,Facts,Precision,Loyalty,Accuracy,Exactness etc...

Because we Serve a God of Truth while Muslims Serve a God of Lies and Deceits and that's why they Lie and Pervert because they do not have the Truth.

Hope this Helped

God Bless

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