In this Specific Post I will now Demonstrate the SHOCKING news because according to the Koran the Greatest Deceiver is actually not Satan But Allah himself.
Now to Begin I just want Muslims to think rationally and notice what I am saying here. These are not my own words but the words from Your Koran and Religion. I am just trying to show you guys what your religion really teaches regarding the Nature of your God, Allah.
Let us Begin:
According to the Koran Allah has 99 Exclusive names that can only be applied to him alone.
This Doctrine of Tawheed is known as : Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat (maintaining the unity of Allah’s name and attributes)
According to the Koran one of names of Allah is The Best/Greatest of Deceivers
KHAYRU al-MAKIREEN : The Best of all Deceivers
Here it is surah 3:54 And they (the disbelievers) SCHEMED, and Allah SCHEMED (against them): and Allah is the BEST OF SCHEMERS.
So in this Verse The Jews Schemed and Allah schemed against them and Allah is even a better schemer than the Jews because he's the Best of those who schemes.
The word is Makir :de·ceive (dē sēv′, di-)
transitive verb deceived -·ceived′, deceiving -·ceiv′·ing
- to make (a person) believe what is not true; delude; mislead
- Archaic to be false to; betray
- Archaic to while away (time)
So it is clear that Makir is a negative word it means one who makes a person believe what is not true.
I quoted Pickthall who translates it to scheme.
Here's another verse Surah 7:99 Are they then SECURE from Allah's SCHEME? NONE deemeth himself SECURE from Allah's SCHEME'S save folk that perish.
So in this Verse Allah is such a Great Deceiver that people can't feel secure from his Deception,Lies,Scheme and Tricks.
Contrast this with 2 Corinthians 11:13
But I am afraid that just as Eve was DECEIVED by the SERPENT'S CUNNING, your MINDS may somehow be LED ASTRAY from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
So according to Paul Satan is the one who can Deceive and Trick people and Paul himself doesn't feel perfectly safe from even Satan Deceptions in regards to the followers of Christ.
And this is the God that Muslims Worship!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's Continue Surah 4:157 And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger - they slew him not nor crucified him, but it APPEARED so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
So in this Verse the Jews are boasting that they Killed Jesus when actually it Was Allah who made it look like the Jews actually Killed Jesus.
In other words Allah Tricked, Mislead,Lied and Deceived the Jews into thinking that they actually Killed Jesus when it was actually NOT the Case.
And More: Surah 14:4 And We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them. Then Allah MISLEADS whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise
In other words Allah will mislead those who he so choose to Mislead.
Note: So If Muslims worship a God who is the Greatest of those who tricks and Deceives then should it surprise us Christians, then that their Religion allows Muslims to lie and therefore Mislead,Trick,Pervert,Scheme,Lie and Deceive when it come to dialogue,Debate and speaking etc...
I don't think it does.
In other words Allah is described as Satan according to the Bible who is the Greatest of those who use trickery and Deception.
Here is another passage surah 21:23 He CANNOT BE QUESTIONED as to what HE DOES, while they will be questioned.
So in this verse Allah CANNOT BE QUESTIONED regardless of what he does even if that means MISLEADING,TRICKING,LYING,PERVERTING AND DECEIVING.
God Forbid Such Blasphemy!!!!!
And to put the Icing on the Cake here is Abu Bakr :
“Although he had such a faith, which was too great to suffice all the inhabitants of the earth, HE WAS AFRAID THAT HIS HEART MIGHT GO ASTRAY. So, he used to utter, while WEEPING: ‘Would that I have been a bitten tree!’ Whenever he was reminded of his position in Allah’s sight, he would say: ‘By Allah! I would not REST ASSURED and FEEL SAFE from the DECEPTION of ALLAH (la amanu limakr Allah), even if I HAD ONE FOOT IN PARADISE.’” (Khalid Muhammad Khalid, Successors of the Messenger, translated by Muhammad Mahdi al-Sharif [Dar al-Kotob al-Ilmiyah, Beirut Lebanon, 2005], Book One: Abu Bakr Has Come, p. 99; bold and italic emphasis ours)
So according to this Passage Abu Bakr WEPT because he FELT UNSAFE from Allah's DECEPTION EVEN if HE had 1 FOOT IN PARADISE.
In other words Abu Bakr can't even feel safe even if he were to go to paradise from Allah's Lies and Schemes.
And this is the God you Muslims want us to believe in when you can't even Trust HIM with your eternal soul for Salvation.
So tell me Paul and all your Muslims friends If Allah is the Greatest of those who Schemes,Lies, Deceives,Tricks,Misleads,Perverts then how do you know he's not Deceiving,perverting,tricking,lying and Scheming you into thinking that your actually saved and following the right religion. How can you put your faith and trust in a God who is an ALL POWERFUL DECEIVER???
Contrast this to the Bible where Satan is the one who Mislead and Tricks the world NOT God himself because God is pure and Holy and cannot Lie.
So in conclusion According to the Bible the best of those who Tricks, Schemes,Lies,Perverts,Misleads and Deceives is none other than Satan himself. While in the Koran the Best of those who Tricks,Schemes,Lies,Perverts,Misleads and Deceives is NOT Satan but Allah himself.
In other words Allah is Satan according the Bible who is the Best of those who Misleads and uses Crafty methods to accomplish his Goal.
This is Pure Blasphemy and I Pray that Paul Williams and his Muslims Friends LEAVE this Deceptive Lie from hell.
I hope this Helped
God bless
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