Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Refuting Saami Zaatari's Article Titled: The Moon of Blood

Once again I am making a Refutation to Mr Zaatari on his claims and attacks on the Bible regarding Supposed Contradictions and show you that Nobody can Refute the Bible because it's God's Word and God's Word will always Stand.

I will expose Saami's lies and twisting of the Text in it's Respected Context.

Let Us Begin:

Here is Saami's Article again and again:   

The Moon of Blood

A Jochen Katz argument

Sami Zaatari

I will once again use the same standards and criteria that the Nazi Jochen Katz employs, in fact this article will also expose any other Christian who has a faulty way of argumentation.

If anyone has read the Bible, then they would know that the Bible claims that the Moon will turned into blood, as we read in the book of Joel:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

So the moon will be turned into blood!

If anyone studies basic astronomy, then you will all know it is physically IMPOSSIBLE for the moon to turn into blood. It would almost be like saying the moon is made up of cheese (who knows maybe it is according to the Bible!).

No scientist who isn't a Christian will ever believe such a wild claim, that the moon will be turned into blood, heck even Christian scientists will deny such a thing!

I challenge any Christian to bring me scientific proof of how the moon can be turned into blood; I would really love to know how!

Remember, I am being like Jochen Katz, and I am being like Christians who love to argue and use science, always saying the Bible's claim are both HISTORICALLY and SCIENTIFICALLY accurate to the end. Since this is a future event to take place, it doesn't go under failing a historical event, but completely misses the mark when it comes to science.

Now  watch the Christians employ their lovely double standards, it is so lovely to watch, and very amusing.

And Allah Knows Best!

Now Saami First starts off by saying that the Bible claims that the Moon will be Turned into Blood and therefore the Bible is Wrong because it supposedly Contradicts Science.

However what he doesn't Tell you is that when the Bible Speaks of the Moon Turning into Blood it is Speaking Figuratively How do we Know that, Because in the Very Same Verse Joel mentions that the Sun WILL BE DARKENED.

Here is the Verse that Saami willfully took out Context: 

The SUN SHALL BE TURNED INTO DARKNESS, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.

So it is clear that in the context of the Passage Saami Read the Sun will be DARKENED, so there's no doubt that the passage is referring to the Color of the Moon. In other words this Passage is saying that the Moon will be Red as Blood itself.

And also notice that is Says the Sun Will Be Darkened which is a Solar Eclypse and the Moon During Eclipses Turns RED.

So  Joel is saying that when the day comes they shall be both Solar (Sun) and Lunar (Moon) Eclipses.

Because when the Sun Turns Black that is a Solar Eclypse and When the Moon Turns Red that is a Lunar Eclispe which once again Perfectly agrees with Modern Science.

In Fact Here is a Picture of a Lunar Eclipse which perfectly confirms the Bible where the moon will be Red:

And Here is a Picture of a Solar Eclipse where the Sun Is Black/Darkened which showing once again that Science Confirms what the Bible says:

In fact here are other Passages that Saami Obviously didn't want you to know that confirms my point.

Revelations 6:12 
I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The SUN TURNED BLACK like sackcloth made of goat hair, the WHOLE MOON TURNED BLOOD RED,

So it clear in the book of Revelations that The Moon will not literally turn into Blood but have the color of Blood itself Because they will be an Eclipse both Solar and Lunar and the Moon will Turn Red which perfectly agrees with Science because the Moon Turns Red when an Eclipse happens specifically Lunar.

So much again Saami for a supposed Scientific "Error" when it actually perfectly confirms Science.

And once again Saami Refutes Islam and Muhammad because he used the very Books that exposes Muhammad as A False Prophet.

Thanks again Saami for proving Muhammad False

Glory to Jesus Christ

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