Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I recently challenged Osama to a debate and now he uses excuses how he is too "busy", when in reality he's running like a Coward. I have no debate experience and yet Osama with plenty of Debate experience keeps running from me.

I suggested that we Debate on his Blog and still that's not good enough. He told me to contact George to set up a debate, when Osama knows that BROAD topics such as Biblical Contradictions need time to answer. So if I were to do a Live debate Osama can throw so many supposed contradictions and then In the rebuttal periods I'll have no time to answer.

And this is the Muslim Tactics

That's why I wanted the Debate to be on Osama's Blog, so I can answer his arguments in depth.

Here is are email exchange to expose how much of Coward Osama is:

  • Re: Debate‏

To see messages related to this one, group messages by conversation.
Osama Abdallah (quransearchcom@yahoo.com)
1:59 PM
To: John Dawson
Picture of Osama Abdallah
Stop harrasing me.  I am not interested in debating you.  I don't even know you to be scared or not scared from you.  You seem to be a stupid childish moron with too much time on his hands.
If you don't quit bothering me, I will block you here as well.
Now get lost!
Osama Abdallah
From: John Dawson <apologeticsj@hotmail.com>
To: Osama Abdallah <quransearchcom@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 12:53 PM
Subject: RE: Debate

Osama stop running and using excuses because I am willing to wait until you're available. You can't say you're never going to be available for a debate because you had debates recently.

Secondly this is a Text Debate so it saves time, no excuses why you can't be available.

Are You scared to debate me Osama?

Are You scared you will get humiliated?
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 15:14:56 -0700
From: quransearchcom@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Debate
To: apologeticsj@hotmail.com
I am all for text debates, because lies can be easily exposed in them.  You couldn't pull a fast one as you could in an oral debate, where the opponent doesn't have the capability to disprove it.  But I am far too busy to debate you.  I don't have to honor every request.  Sorry.  I am just really too busy.
Take care, 
Osama Abdallah
From: John Dawson <apologeticsj@hotmail.com>
To: Osama Abdallah <quransearchcom@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:51 PM
Subject: RE: Debate

Osama having an online debate is convenient for both of us because it doesn't cost money. And when you have a debate regarding Biblical contradictions, you need time to answer them.

You can't really answer them in a 10 or 15 minute rebuttal, that's why I want to do it online.

I recommend we do it on your blog, so everyone can see our responses.

We can have the debate scheduled in two weeks time so we can prepare ourselves.

Now stop using excuses and debate me, what are you afraid of??

Also this will be my first debate!!!!

Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:40:55 -0700
From: quransearchcom@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Debate
To: apologeticsj@hotmail.com
I blocked you, because you were spamming the board going into every thread and posting your lengthy articles.
Contact Geroge Siege to do a live debate.  Otherwise, I am not interested.
Osama Abdallah

And just for the record I am only 21 years old with no debate experience and so far 3 Muslim apologist are scared to debate me and have been running like cowards.

Which I find ironic!!!!

Osama talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk, he calls Christians "Cowards" for not defending the Bible. However when one Christians who is willing to defend the Bible challenges him to a debate, then all of a sudden he's too busy and can only do Live Debates. When in all truth he's just scared because He Knows he would get Humiliated if he were to debate me.

If God Wills sometime next year I will Debate Osama on Stage regarding a Specific Contradictions in the New Testament.

And will see how good he does on Stage.

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